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The Software respeta le privatessa de omni individuo que visita nostre websites. Isto declaration de privatessa furni notitia del standardes e conditiones sub le quales The Software protege le privatessa de information fornite per visitatores a sitos in le World Wide Web que es possedite e operate per The Software, includente The Software e The Software. Isto declaration de privatessa furni notitia de nostre practicas de collection de information e del manieras in le quales su information pote esser usate. Iste politica pote cambiar de tempore a tempore, dunque per favor retorna periodicamente pro revisar iste information.
A. Persoanel-Identificabile Informatio:
The Software typically receives specific data about its website visitors only when such information is provided voluntarily, such as when our visitors request information, purchase or enroll for services, open a customer support inquiry ticket, provide resume information for employment opportunities, or send us e-mail. Of course, some of these activities require that you give us information, such as when you make a purchase, use a credit card to pay for services, submit your resume, or request certain types of information. When you provide personally- identifiable information to The Software through one of our websites, it will be used to fulfill your specific request. In most cases, you will be given the opportunity to select whether you do, or do not, want The Software to use this information for additional purposes. The Software reserves the right, in its discretion, to send you bulletins and other important information about your The Software services. Absent any instructions from you, The Software may use information you provide to inform you about additional services and products offered by the The Software family of companies, The Software authorized agents, and other goods and services providers with whom The Software has relationships and whose offerings might be of interest to you.
Exempla in his materiis non sunt accipiendum ut promissum aut reditus securum. Potentia lucrandi penitus pendet ab usu personae nostrum productum, ideas, technicas et conatus factus. Nos non profitetur hoc inquam ‘praesumo divites machinamentum’, neque debes videre ut sic.
B. Non Personally-Identifiable (Generic) Information:
C. Tua Websitus Software hospes, servator, tabulae, forum, Tertiae Partis Sites:
Infōrmation quod tu palām in locō, including super aliquo tabulā repertā, foriō causidicum, aut interretialis rūsticus The Software potest host tibi sicut partem tuam The Software ministerium, ā patēre ad quīcumque alium quī visitat ille spatium. The Software nōn possunt dēfendēre ullām informationem quod tu palām in hīs locīs patefaciō. Adhibet quod The Software interretialis sitūs continēre nexūs ad situs quī pertinent ad tertius nōn rēs cum The Software. The Software nōn possunt protegere ullām informationem quod tu patefaciō in illīs sitibus et suādeō ut recēnsēre prīvitātis consilium sententiae illōrum sitibus quī visitās.
D. Exceptiunis e Limitazions:
Non obstante le supra e in conformitate con le leges applicabile, Le Software coopera plenemente con le autoritates statal, local e federal in qualcunque investigation relative a qualcunque contento (inclusive communicationes electronic personal o private transmitite a Le Software) o activitates illegal apparente de qualcunque usator del Servitio, e prende mesuras rationale pro proteger su derectos proprietary. Pro le scopos limitate de complir con tal cooperation e mesuras e in conformitate con le leges applicabile, Le Software pote esser obligate a discoperir information personalmente identificabile. In plus, Le Software pote eliger monitorar le aree de communication de qualcunque typo pro satisfacer qualcunque lege, regulation o petition governamental; si tal revelation es necesse o appropriate pro operar Le Software; o pro proteger le derectos o proprietate de Le Software o alteres. In connexion con le potentiale vendita o transferentia de alcun de su interesse in Le Software e Le Software e altere sitos possessite per le compania, Le Software se reserva le derecto de vender o transferer tu information (inclusive, ma non limitate a nomine, information de addressa e altere information provide a Le Software) a un tertie parte que concentra su negotio in productos o servitios de communication; accorda a esser le successor de interesse de Le Software con respecto al mantenentia e protection de information colligite e mantenido per Le Software; e accorda a le obligationes de iste declaration de politica.